Zelda Sykes

YouTube Star

Birthday March 22

Birth Sign Aries

Birthplace United States

#131559 Most Popular


Notable content creator and influencer who is most associated with her Zelda Sykes ASMR YouTube channel. She is most recognized on the internet for her popular unboxing videos as well as her ASMR content and fashion videos. As a result of her notability, she has amassed over 10,000 subscribers and 120,000 views on YouTube. 

Before Fame

She originally created her Zelda Sykes ASMR YouTube channel July 2021. She eventually posted her first YouTube video on July 8, 2021.


She has received just over 40,000 views on one of her most popular YouTube videos. During that May 6, 2022 post, she created a video trying-on different leggings. 

Family Life

He grew up living with his family in the United States. 

Associated With

She is a popular ASMR creator just like ASMR Darling.